Saturday 10 August 2013

The Silent Victims

Spring is almost upon us and it’s a time when home sellers frantically begin the preparation phase of getting their property ship shape to present it for sale to prospective buyers. It is important that your property presents well and is in the best shape it can possibly be in without spending a gazillion dollars.

But really, while presentation is very important to the final price you receive, there is one far more critical factor, which unfortunately, is overlooked by almost every seller and in most cases costs them a lot of money. These sellers are the silent victims… they never know that they could have achieved a better price.

All the preparation in the world will be wasted if the agent you choose to hand your keys to is not a skilled negotiator. Skilled negotiators know how to use all your hard work as leverage to make sure the buyer is paying the maximum price they can afford, and are prepared to pay. They push the buyer to pay more even after you have said… ok we are happy with that… and they are the one you want on your side.

Imagine handing a formula one race car to any driver, Joe Blogs off the street, the car is capable of winning the race, but the driver crashes as the required skill is not there.

Poor negotiators are exactly the same, they undersell property every sale they make.

There is an old saying Proper Prior Preparation Prevents Persistently Poor Performance, you have gone and spent the time, the effort, and the money to prepare your property for sale, why not spend a little time and effort in choosing an agent that will maximise your return? A point of presentation can easily be changed at any given moment, the agent can’t be.

When you sign up with an agent it is for a fixed period of time, most agents shine the brightest whilst they are trying to win your business, once you have appointed them and are on the market then they start to show their true colours. Most sellers do not find out what their agent is really like until after a week or two on the market and if you are not satisfied you cannot change agents, you are stuck with them.

You’ve done the Proper Prior Preparation on your property now do it with the agent! There are things that you can do when choosing an agent, don’t forget you are interviewing them for a very important job, you are in control. Do the market research into agent performance levels, ask questions to identify the skilled negotiators from the unskilled and be knowledgable on what information you should never tell an agent.

Remember the 7P’s and don’t be a silent victim. A little time spent now on agent selection will save a lot of time wasted later… not to mention your money! 

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