In tough times we often see sellers tighten their purse strings when it comes to marketing their property. Whilst decreasing your advertising spend can be tempting when the market is not at its peak, investing in that little bit extra upfront can actually pay off in the long run.
How? Quite simply, advertising increases the exposure of your property. More exposure means more buyers through the door, which drives competition and can ultimately result in a higher price for your home. So how can you gain more exposure for your property?
Online Advertising
Online advertising dramatically increases the exposure of your property, as most people head straight to the internet when conducting their property search. This is because online property portals are perfect for engaging buyers and showing off your home, as it allows people to flick through floor plans and extensive photo galleries.
Property portals are the main touch point for buyers because they are instantly accessible. Your online advertisement is just a click away for property hunters who are scouring the internet for their dream home. In addition, the broad reach of online increases the exposure of your property to a variety of potential buyers. Investing in online advertising is not a question of if, but how much. For example, most online advertising portals now provide prestige or feature advertising options which means you can opt for your property to appear higher up or highlighted in advertising lists.
Print Advertising
It is also worthwhile to consider the more ‘traditional’ forms of advertising – in print. Your real estate agent will usually have their own magazine that features all the properties they have for sale, which can be another effective way of reaching buyers; for example, hockingstuart’s Red Magazine is read by 55,000 potential buyers weekly.
Don’t Forget Your Agent
It’s also worth checking with your agent what other value-adds they can offer you. For example, what kind of reach does their website have? Do they have a database of buyers they could also send your property to?
The key to maximising demand and interest in your home is to reach as many of these buyers as possible – and that’s how advertising can help. Advertising draws attention to your property and remember, the more people you reach, the greater the demand and the greater sale price you can achieve.
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